Below you will find some important information for you to consider when selling:

Change of Address: The following should be notified of your new address:-

Accountant, Australian Taxation Office, Bank, Building Society, Clubs or Unions, Credit Union or Finance Company, Dentist, Department Store (Credit Card), Doctor, Car Registration and Drivers Licence (Department of Transport), Employer, Health Insurance Fund, Insurance Companies (you may also be entitled to a pro-rata refund of premiums currently paid), State and Commonwealth Electoral Rolls

Communication: If you have any queries or concerns, please contact us immediately.

All instructions must be provided to us in writing (eg: email) .  However, as things can move very quickly in conveyancing, if an urgency arises, we will accept your verbal instructions, provided they are then followed up with your written confirmation of those instructions.

Please note that we have installed personal voicemail systems onto each staff member’s phone. Therefore, if you ring and are connected to voicemail, please leave a detailed message and we will return your call.

Electricity / Gas / Telephone: Termination of such services should be as close as possible to the last day at your house and remember to apply for re-connection at your new address.

Mail: Your mail can be re-directed through your local Post Office.

Settlement:  Whilst every effort is made to ensure that Settlement occurs on the due date, unfortunately we cannot guarantee that settlement will take place as expected. Often extensions and/or last minute changes are required which can affect the date and time of a pre-booked Settlement.  As we say….. “it’s not Settled ’til it Settles”.